What enterprises need to know when conducting the vaccination for employees

Ho Chi Minh 2631

The COVID – 19 situation is getting more and more complicated, causing difficulties in the prevention and combat as well as finding solutions against the pandemic. To achieve herd immunity, a proportion of 70% population would need to be vaccinated for Covid – 19. Additionally, allowing the enterprises to actively purchase the vaccine to inoculate employees helps boost the implementation process of this strategy. However, the vaccination is also considered an emergency and has to face with various challenges during the process. Therefore, enterprises should have a fine grasp of vital information to proactively import Covid – 19 vaccines into Vietnam.

Priority groups to get free vaccine and be inoculated in accordance with Resolution No. 21

Priority groups to get free vaccine and be inoculated under Resolution No. 21 – Figure: Internet

Priority groups to get free vaccine and be inoculated under Resolution No. 21 – Figure: Internet

  1. Front liners who join COVID-19 prevention and control work.
  2. Vietnamese diplomats dispatched to foreign countries, customs, immigration officers
  3. Essential service workers
  4. Teachers and those who work at education and training facilities, those who work at State agencies
  5. People with chronic illnesses, people aged above 65
  6. Residents in pandemic-hit areas
  7. Poor people, policy beneficiaries
  8. Those who will be sent abroad for learning and working
  9. Workers in industry park, processing zones

Prioritize people in the pandemic – hit provinces and Municipalities for vaccination.

Enterprises can proactively purchase Covid – 19 vaccine for their officers, employees

In response to the appeal of the Prime Minister, the whole country has joined hands to support the Covid – 19 Vaccine Fund. At the same time, the Ministry of Health encourages the businesses, organizations to take part in seeking Covid – 19 vaccines, facilitates enterprises to import, licenses, inspects and inoculate the employees. Enterprises may actively buy Covid – 19 vaccines from licensed suppliers (Source: https://ncov.moh.gov.vn/en/-/6847912-215)

Businesses is allowed to signed contracts to hire competent units inoculate their employees – Figure: Internet

Businesses is allowed to signed contracts to hire competent units inoculate their employees – Figure: Internet

Enterprises are permitted to sign contracts to hire vaccination units to get their employees vaccinated. Besides, the implementation must comply with safety principles, quality, service price set forth in contract between vaccination unit and the business.

With regard to the funding for implementation, businesses are allowed to use the funding from recurrent expenditure estimate as stipulated in regulations on State budget, or from operating expenses according to the laws or from accounting in the deductible costs when identifying taxable income under the laws, corporate income tax to carry out the vaccination for all internal officers, employees.

What you need to know when getting Covid – 19 vaccine according to the regulations of Ministry of Health

According to the Ministry of Health, vaccination units against Covid – 19 need to strictly ensure the conditions for vaccine safety, including the practice of inoculation, monitoring, and prompt handling of undesirable reactions after the injection.

The below recommendations of the Ministry of Health and UNICEF are vital information you need to know before getting vaccinated against COVID – 19:

Before the vaccination

  • The person getting the vaccine needs to bring along the ID card or latest health insurance card, medical book, hospital discharge record, prescription, other vaccination record card.
  • Download the mobile app for declaration
  • Wear masks and carry out 5K message when getting the vaccine. Eat properly before the vaccination.
  • Actively inform the medical staff of your personal health
  • Be active in researching and asking medical staff about the type of Covid – 19 you received and the next schedule for vaccination, side effects after the vaccination and handling method, phone number of medical facility when necessary.

What to know when getting Covid – 19 vaccine according to regulations of Ministry of Health - Figure: Internet

What to know when getting Covid – 19 vaccine according to regulations of Ministry of Health - Figure: Internet

After the vaccination

  • Stay at the vaccination unit for 30 minutes after getting vaccinated to monitor the side effects.
  • Actively monitor your health at home, workplace within 3 weeks after the vaccination.
  • Possible side effects after getting a covid-19 vaccine you may have: Fever, tired, headache, chill, muscle pain, joint pain, nausea…
  • Rare severe reactions after getting the vaccine: numbness around the lip or in the tongue, pale or red skin, itchy or swollen throat, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, drowsiness, convulsions…
  • Common side effects turn worse: high fever above 39 Celsius degree, severe muscle pain, hypertension, hypotension…

Dos and Don'ts when receiving Covid – 19 vaccines

Dos and Don'ts when receiving Covid – 19 vaccines - Figure: Internet

Dos and Don'ts when receiving Covid – 19 vaccines - Figure: Internet

  • During and after the vaccination, you should follow the 5K message for Covid – 19 preventions.
  • Do not arbitrarily leave the vaccination unit until the 30-minute observation has been completed.
  • Check and keep the vaccination record after being returned.
  • Update the side effects after receiving the vaccine you had on the electronic medical book
  • Do not rub, apply medicine or anything to the injected area
  • Do not arbitrarily control any personal vehicles when feeling unwell after the vaccination
  • Immediately got to the medical facility when having severe uncommon symptoms.

Due to the complicated situation of Covid-19, enterprises need to be more involved in the prevention and combat of the pandemic to protect the health of employees as well as ensure the stability of business operations. Furthermore, businesses should proactively cooperate with the locality to promote the propaganda among employees for a more effective prevention and combat against COVID – 19.

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