Minimum Wage Increase Affects Us All

Ho Chi Minh 3685

Decree 33 stipulates that the general minimum salary will increase from VND540,000 to VND650,000 per month, with effect from 1 May 2009.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact HR2B Payroll Services in Vietnam.

On the 6th April 2009, the Government issued Decree 33/2009/ND-CP Decree 33) to replace Decree 166/2007/ND-CP dated 16 November 2007 on the general minimum salary.

Decree 33 stipulates that the general minimum salary will increase from VND540,000 to VND650,000 per month, with effect from 1 May 2009. Therefore, the relevant insurance contributions based on the general minimum salary will also increase from 1 May 2009.

This change will lead to an increase of the Social & Unemployment insurance Cap to 13,000,000VND. So how does this change affect you? For HR2B clients, you don't need to do anything. If you are not already an HR2B payroll client you should speak to your payroll services provider and ensure to make correct Social & Unemployment insurance contributions.

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