HR2B again sponsored the third "M2 - Marketing & Media Network" event for people interested in advertising, digital, marketing, media and technology was held on June 04th, 2014 at the Cargo Bar District 4 Ho Chi Minh City. The event attracted over 100 manager and professional level expatriates and Vietnamese attendees.
The group heard real life experiences from 3 "Guru" of this community,
- Seck Yee Chung - Baker & Mckenzie - gave a topic "IT, Media, Marketing - A regulatory Framework"
- Dennis Tuan Phan - D2C Branding - gave a topic "Marketing & Branding"
- Vaughan Ryan - Nielsen Vietnam - gave a topic "Demystifying the rural consumer in Vietnam"
HR2B sponsors these events as part of our "Candidate Development" activities.
The next event will be held July 2nd 2014 at the Cargo Bar.