7 tips to promote corporate culture with employees working remotely

In the face of the strong development of digital technology as well as the complicated epidemic situation, online working or remote working has been being a form of working chosen by many people, and the enterprises have been also transforming accordingly.

Building corporate culture when working remotely – Photo: Internet.
However, the enterprises will face obstacles in work connection as well as collective cohesion. Here are 7 tips to help the enterprises build company culture in the most effective way!
1. Technology application
Technology is the most essential tool for a company to implement telework. Technology helps the employees and the superiors exchange work with each other via the Internet, most commonly foreign software such as Trello, Asana … or Vietnamized software such as myXteam. 
2. Developing policies and manuals for remote working
Remote working means that the leaders cannot directly handle the work for the employees, cannot be present regularly to solve arising problems. Therefore, the enterprise should design a set of documents on frequently asked questions of the employees when working remotely, specifically:
  • Work schedule: Flexible or fixed?
  • Communication channels, online meetings, meeting schedule and frequency, …
  • Leave with work, exemption from task completion by deadline, leave application process.
3. Communicating policies and expectations, getting feedback from subordinates
  • Post policy and guidance documents on the intranet and communication channels of the company. 
  • Create surveys to help employees ask questions and provide feedback on those policies.
4. Design a common work schedule
Once a month, or at least once a quarter, the managers should make work schedules, and schedule general meetings, online events, … thereby helping the employees feel secure to work at the specified time as well as connect with other employees in a better way.

Working schedule helps the employees always their work on schedule – Photo: Internet
5. Creating a private chat network for the company
Remote working requires the employees to connect to each other via the Internet. However, chat channels on social networks may be interrupted at any time. 
The enterprises should build their own social network or chat channel to ensure overall work efficiency.
6. Personalizing each employee
Integration without assimilation. Many employees will have the thought that their name will be blurred when working remotely, not seeing each other every day. 
However, the managers should encourage the employees so that they feel like an important part of the team. Personalization can be done by naming them based on department or by their own personality. 
7. Building remote development plan
Even though the employees work remotely, they still want to be guided by their boss on the path of career advancement. What additional skills do they need? What goals do they need to aim for?

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